Traditional House Of Kudus

Traditional houses of Kudus is one of the traditional houses that reflect the cultural community acculturation Kudus. Traditional house of Kudus has a roof shaped joglo pencu, with buildings that dominated the four dimensional sculpture of the Kudus City which is a distinctive blend of style sculpture of Hindu culture, the Persian (Islamic), China, and Europe.

The house is expected to begin construction in 1500 M with a key raw material (95%) of high quality teak wood with knockdown system installation (apart pairs without spikes).

Traditional Houses of the Kudus privilege not only lies in the beauty of its architecture dominated by the high quality sculpture, but also on the completeness of its constituent components that have different philosophical meaning.

Forms and motifs carved follow the pattern (a kind of animal many legged spider), elephant watchman, floral jasmine, dragon motif, pineapple (honeycomb), motifs of birds, and others.

Spatial traditional house that has a living room with a single pole as a symbol that Allah is One, or single. This section serves as a reminder to residents to always believe and fear Allah.

Family room which sustained four poles. The fourth pillar is the symbol that gives instructions for residents to be able to sustain their everyday lives by controlling four human nature: anger (encouragement for that sin), lawwamah (self-correcting impulse), Shofiyah (tenderness), mutmainnah (urge to do good)

Kitchen at the very back of the house.

Bathroom as a symbol for human to always wash up both physical and spiritual.

Plants around the bathroom, among others: (1) starfruit tree symbolizing the five pillars of Islam (2) pandan fragrant as a sweet symbol of fortune or lawful and good (3) represents the fragrance of jasmine flowers, good manners and noble character, and holiness.

The layout of the house facing south implies that the owner of the house as if not "lap" of Mount Muria is located in the north, so as not to aggravate the daily life.

Procedures for maintenance carried Traditional Houses of Kudus is also its own peculiarities that may not be found in other places.

Type of material used to treat Traditional House of Kudus is a herb that is obtained based on empirical experience that are passed from generation to generation, the banana tree bark concoction of water and tobacco and clove bath water. With rub it repeatedly, this herb is proven effective capable of preserving teak wood, as the basic ingredient of the Traditional House of Kudus termite attacks and also make the wood surface becomes more clean and shiny.